
The Chemicals Between Us (and our connections)

“It’s not you it’s me”. We have heard that statement before, but have we ever really stopped to consider the truthfulness of that statement. Let me explain….

The Destiny Cards tell us what our life path is, what our personality is about, and what traits we express out in the world. And they tell us what other people’s personalities are as well. But did you know that each of these cards have connections to each other? These connections rule the types of relationships we have with other people, for better or worse. These connections are fixed and unchangeable, the only thing we can really do is change ourselves.

How do we accomplish this? How can we change the way someone is treating us or even more important, why should we? The truth is often multi-layered and reveals a lot of what is going on under the surface. We attract people (or connections or certain cards) into our lives when we need something. When we need nurturing, support, change, transformation, excitement, stimulating conversation, affection, and more. Each card connection represents those and more.

If we are craving love and harmony, we may attract someone who we have a Venus connection to. If we are needing to get our life out of a rut, we may attract someone who is a Mars connection. When we want someone to talk to, a close friend, we may go out and find a Moon/ Sun connection to cherish. If we need a spiritual mentor, we may attract a Jupiter connection.

But what happens when unprocessed emotions show up in our field and that is the attracting force in our life? What if we are operating under the guise of long-held onto anger and resentment? We may inadvertently attract someone with a Mars connections so that we can express our passion, but also our anger because Mars is the planet of war. What if we are super-critical of ourselves, or maybe we are critical of others in our lives? We may attract a Saturn connection to show us or reflect back to us what it feels like to be on the receiving end of criticism.

What if our higher self has decided that it is time to make major transformation in our lives? We may attract someone with whom we have a Pluto connection, whose sole purpose in our lives is to help us transform something or some trait we have been wanting to change or create within. This connection is going to be intense, like a volcano. We are going to “blame” the other person for his or her behavior, even going so far as to evoke revenge and hate at them, erupting into powerful energies that we spew everywhere.

The truth of the matter is, that it is really you and not them. You chose the connection. You decided who is in your field of reality. You attracted that connection for reasons that only you know. That is why I recommend Destiny Card or Love Card Relationship reports. So you can learn more about yourself by studying the people and the connections you have chosen to bring into your life or social circle.

Some examples of how to best use the information: when you have children that can’t ever seem to get along, relationships that you have tried and tried to be successful, to check compatiblity of a future potential business partner, to heal from that parent who was relentless in your life.

Each Love Card report talks about the top ten connections between you and the other person and comes with affirmations that help guide both parties to deeper understanding of the connections. I also recommend studying the meaning of the cards that are connected so that you can understand what it is that is so triggering, disruptive, or desirable in your life with that person.

For example, if someone’s birth card, the Five of Diamonds, is a Pluto connection to you, I suggest not only studying the meaning of a Pluto connection, but the meaning of the Five of Diamonds as well. That way you get the most out of each report and can continue to support the other person and grow within your own field of knowledge and self-awareness.

“Know thyself”

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